Wednesday, May 5, 2010


When I started this project I didn't really expect the multitude of choices there were for shower heads. I was thinking that it would be pretty easy because, simply stated, a shower head is a shower head. Are there really any differences? I was proved wrong the moment that I typed 'water saving shower heads' in a google search.

This project was slightly complicated at first. Mainly the reason was laziness, but other reasons were: What am I supposed to look for exactly? and, What should I go into specifics about? and other things like that.

My attitude has changed somewhat. On the matter of laziness my attitude started off as, "It doesn't matter". Now, I know that laziness is very dangerous to my projects and grades. My attitude towards water conservation hasn't really changed much. It started off as, "it's pretty important". Now how much water I use on an average when I shower it's more important and I want to do more to help save water.

On person can make a difference. It's really hard for one person to make a difference, but it's possible. But, if that one person was to spread the word about a problem then a big change could happen. That is part of the reason I chose to put my research into a blog. Now, more people can learn about this information.

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